July 15th River Report

July 15th River Report

Posted by Jeff Gray on


Mid July and the fishing has been fantastic. We are still seeing a good number of Golden Stones, PMD's, a few Drakes and the occasional hopper. It looks like the river flows are on a steady decline, but plenty of it for this time of year. The entire river has been consistent which is really spreading out the traffic. Fish are spread out as well.  You'll find them in almost all different types of water, from the middle deep slots to tight to the bank and everything in between. Our weather is calling for more heat, so keep an eye on the water temps, particularly below Hamilton. Anything that exceeds 69 degrees, we ask you to stop fishing. Play the fish quickly and release immediately without taking them out of the water.  Lots of new obstructions throughout the river right now. There aren't many sections that doesn't have some sort of issue. Inquire the day of your float as things are changing by the day based on water flows. Be Safe out there.  We are open every day @ 8:00am, stop by to restock on bugs or just say hello.

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River Report

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